It is very strange at the moment, with some children in nursery and others at home. I am delighted that you all seem to be keeping busy, working and playing hard and learning lots!
A MASSIVE WELL DONE to all the parents and children who came to nursery on Tuesday afternoon to collect their work packs.
Some children have even sent their work to me.
Well done to Iris who completed her counting and story work and still found time to build this super snowman!
Well done to Arisa who has been busy singing at home, practising writing the letters of her name, doing jigsaws, drawing fabulous pictures like this one of a washing machine and even finding time to take notes for Mum and Dad during their zoom meetings.
We are SUPER PROUD of you all and feel VERY LUCKY to be your teachers.
Grown ups, please don't forget to pick up your work packs from Nursery on Tuesday afternoon (1.30- 3.00)
It would be great if you could bring your child along so they can choose a book from our library and we can say hello.
Maybe you would like to send some pictures of your child's completed work or any other activities they have been doing at home. Remember you can send your pictures to