Friday, 5 February 2021

10 Little fingers and Ten Little Toes- A counting Story

Good Morning Children,

Today we have another story to share with you. Today's story is 'Ten Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes'. 

This story  has lots of opportunities for counting so make sure you join in!

Click below to watch Miss Sykes read the story.

We hope you enjoyed the story and joined in with all the counting. Our own fingers and toes are a brilliant counting resource that we carry around with us all the time so make sure you make use of them during your time at home.

Click below to hear Miss Sykes singing a song all about counting fingers and toes. 

Make sure you join in!

We hope you enjoyed the song and joined in with the words and counting. Don't forget you can watch the story and song as many times as you like to practise your counting skills!

Get Counting and have fun!

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